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Sponsor parents VISA, but no bank balance in USA

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  • Sponsor parents VISA, but no bank balance in USA

    We are in USA on L1 and were given an option to take salary in $$$ or INR and we picked INR as we did not had an account in the USA. So the INR equivalent fo the USA salary is paid in the the Indian account. The allowance just covers day to day expenses and our USA account (which we opened 5 months back) has approx. $1200.

    I assume this means that we need the bank statements and bank letter from Indian account.

    Ques 1: When we talk about Bank Statement, do we need to get it from bank with their stamp on it? or can we download the same from our online accounts and take prints on normal paper?

    Ques 2: As we are here on short term and thebulk finances are in India,
    2.1 do we need Employement letter from Indian office as well as from the US couterpart? The Employement agreement of the US counterpart is just an year old (starting when we came to USA), even though my husband has been working for the company since 5+ years.

    2.2 On the form I-134,Question Number 7,
    - "I have deposits in savings account in USA" --> as our bank balance in USA is equal to zero, is it possible that we convert our Indian Bank Balance to USD and mention it? If yes, do we need to attach any letter stating the same?

    - for the other finance details, can we convert all our INR calculations to $$$ (Property value, Stock Value etc)?

    Thanks in advance for your time and help.


  • #2
    Whole idea of being able to sponsor someone is that you are able to financially support their expenses for visit to the U.S. As long as you have money anywhere that can do that, you can use that.

    If you have money that can't really be convereted into USD, it is of no use for such purpose.
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