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trying to get mother's visa

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  • trying to get mother's visa

    Hello all,
    I am currently on J1 since 4 months, and husband is on H1. We are both in different cities because of our jobs. I want to invite my mother to USA for 3 months.

    1) Should I sponsor her as she is my mother and will be staying with me? I have bank statements of only 4 months and 2 years IT returns jointly with my husband (when I was previously dependant on him, but I had no income then)

    2) Should my husband sponsor her? What should she answer why didn't your daughter sponsor, because she will be with me in my city and he will be visiting us in between.

    3) Both sponsor- with separate I-134?

    Please help.

  • #2
    Immihelp Support
    No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

    Visa and Greencard Tracker

    Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.


    • #3
      Thank you immihelp.
      Should we fill seperate I-134 or fill together? We live in seperate cities and what to fill in addresss if we fill the 1-134 together?


      • #4
        your mother should also know the answer to"who will pay for your trip" question correctly?

        btw, if a visa officer asks "what is the purpose of your trip? what will she answer to this question.

        Anyways, whatever she answers her documentation should be in line with that info.


        • #5
          thanks for the info. Both of us will be sponsoring her trip. I will ask her to answer the questions correctly. But I am still confused about what to write the address in I-134 if we sponsor together. Because we live in seperate cities.


          • #6
            Parents visa got rejected today for the 3rd time

            Please help me what else i need to do:

            First time rejected details, Applied in 2008.

            Father retired and work in a private bank, mother is a house wife.

            Produced the Bank Balance more than 20k. With invitation letter to be with us and visit the country, Pay slip for 5 months

            Am the only son, the visa interview asked these questions:
            Where is your son works? My father answered to it
            You have any other relatives in USA? He said his Nephew who is a citizen there
            Why are you still working even after retired? Just to pass time

            My father produced his bank balance, his house and land property and pension details saying he should be India to sign it every year.

            My friends adviced that he shouldnt said he is working, and said our Nephew is Citizen here, they might thought he is working here, he can make money there too, intension to return is less.

            2nd time applied in 2010 only for my mother:

            Question asked:

            Why are you traveling without your husband? My mom doesnt know what to say, she just said he got his job here and not interested in travelling now
            Where is your son working? she gave the details

            Then went through my docs;
            This time somehow i managed to show 80k, and we invited stating grandchild birthday.

            They just rejected, my asked the reson they gave a book and asked her to read it.

            3rd time today we applied for my parents:

            Questions asked:

            Why are you travelling? Visit
            Are you working? no
            Whats your son's address? my parents said it correctly

            But still they rejected.

            I have enough bank balance, and my father is working in private bank he just quits as it was rejected first time, just because am their only son there is no tie for them to leave US. Thats the reason he said he was working, DOnt know waht to do, i just want them to Visit this country before we return to India, But my wife parents visited us, as she is 3rd child in her family, and her father was a farmer and they had land and all her sibilings in INDIA.





