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B2 - Mention Where to Stay

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  • B2 - Mention Where to Stay

    Hi, I'm planning to visit US on B2 visa to visit my wife (she is US citizen, currently live here parents).
    As i'm well settle in another country with very good job (financial stable).
    In B2 Online fourm , there is Question saying where you going to stay, should i mention my Wife parents house address or should i book hotel near there house and mention it, coz when i'll be there most of the time i will be at her parents house, only i will go to hotel at night.
    so should i mention it that i will stay in hotel and show them my hotel booking. or just not to mention in fourm and mention that i will stay with her partner home?

    another question, as we got married only 4 months back, what should i have to prove them that we are married? do i need to show them our marriage paper (if yes than currently i have copy of it not the original as its in my home country) or do i have to show our marriage pictures ??

    Thanks in Advance

  • #2
    Do you already have a B2 or planning to take B2 ? If you already have then mention the place where you will stay the first day when you land in US as the place in i94.

    If this is for DS160 mention ur spouse house. I do not think they care much where you stay at hotel or house. All they see is whether you will come back. If you wife applied for a immigrant petition for you then the chance of getting B2 is very less.

    You need to carry marriage snaps, marriage certificate (better carry original) etc for the interview and also to the Point of Entry to show as proof of marirage.


    • #3
      Hi can you kindly explain what dose it mean "Point of Entry to show as a proof of marriage"
      Is marriage certificate / marriage picture is not enough?


      • #4
        I mean you need to carry marriage certificate and photo graphs when you enter the US as you will be coming to visit your wife the officer at point of Entry may ask to show the proof of the marriage





