My parents are in india and i am applying for their visitor visa to USA. My Dad does govenment job from 1975 till present . He works in punjab police.
I have query regarding below fields in DS -160 form: -
Present Work/Education/Traning
Previous Work/Education /Training
Since he is working since 1975 in police department , so i should provide all infomation in present job and mark previous job as "Not Applicable " ?? also present job does not have any field to mention job start date or end date..
Please guide...
Thanks a lot for your help .. Really Appreciate it!!!Delete ReplyReply ForwardSpamMovePrint Actions NextPrevious
I have query regarding below fields in DS -160 form: -
Present Work/Education/Traning
Previous Work/Education /Training
Since he is working since 1975 in police department , so i should provide all infomation in present job and mark previous job as "Not Applicable " ?? also present job does not have any field to mention job start date or end date..
Please guide...
Thanks a lot for your help .. Really Appreciate it!!!Delete ReplyReply ForwardSpamMovePrint Actions NextPrevious