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Sister Tourist Visa

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  • Sister Tourist Visa

    Dear immihelp,
    I want my sister to visit US for 3-4 months. she has just passed her B.tech and she has an offer letter from a company and she will join in Sept. Is it difficult for her to get the visa? She would be going back to india for sure. I wanted to know what kind of questions the officer will ask her. Do we have to provide her with I-134 and other supporting docs from us..?
    Can she go to consulate without any invitation letter from us just as someone who goes for tourist purposes..??
    She just finished her B.Tech so she doesn't have any kind of assets or bank bal etc.. But we have our parents back in india. I would like to know what sort of proofs we need to show or tell the CO so as to get the visa approved with a good amount of stay(length of stay validity on Visa). Did any one go thru this like getting their siblings who have just finished their UG..
    Any help is greatly appreciated..
    Thanks and regards

  • #2
    You have not metioned your visa status in US.

    People( eg. your sis) with the following criteria together, are the MOST suspect as potential immigrants ;

    *Purpose of visit-casual ( tourism or visiting sis, both are casual)
    *Not well settled into a well paying job/vocation in India( your sis is just starting out)
    *A close relative in US

    They will not look at any documents and just deny on the basis of the above basic criteria.
    She won't be given any chance to explain herself and the interview will be over before she knows it.
    I do not mean to dishearten you but that is how they assess people.

    If she had applied during her bachelor's course , showing funding support from her
    parents or you, she stood a better chance. Because, then she had the compulsion to return to
    complete her degree.

    In future;
    She can try 1-2 years into her job. If she has a good pay packet , can show self funding the trip, purpose ; to visit you.
    She may get it.
    Last edited by peace999; 04-21-2012, 03:48 AM.





