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No family ties

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  • No family ties

    My husband who is on H1 visa is sponsoring my Dad who is retired for a visitor's visa. My problem is that my Dad has no family ties to show in India since my only brother is in Canada and my mom has passed away.
    Please guide me how should he convince the officer that he will return back. He does have property and house in India


  • #2
    Originally posted by 3B304
    My husband who is on H1 visa is sponsoring my Dad who is retired for a visitor's visa. My problem is that my Dad has no family ties to show in India since my only brother is in Canada and my mom has passed away.
    Please guide me how should he convince the officer that he will return back. He does have property and house in India

    Maybe he can make his case that he needs to go back to India to take care of the fixed property. How about ties with his side of the family and friends..just a thought


    • #3

      I think he should state in affidavit or to Officer even though his both children are abroad he lived all his life in India and he wants to Live in India only for rest of his life even though your mom is not there and he has a house and Property and submit all the copies of them with chartered account valuation.He might be having extended family of his brothers and sisters.That also he shall state in his affidavit and to officer.Good idea to is get Canedian visa from your brother first then to apply for here a visiting visa



      • #4
        I sincerely appreciate all your responses and ideas.

        My Dad did apply for Canadian visa first, but they refused him for the same reason that he has no family ties in India. For Canada since they do not personally interview you, you cannot even explain.
        I was thinking of mentioning in the covering letter of his ties to his brother and sister and homeland, but at the same time I am wondering if I will mess it up by pointing at the weak point right in the covering letter.
        What should be the right approach?



        • #5
          I feel still it is better you explain in letter and prepare him well for interview.I can understand your tension.But i feel Truthfullness works write in your letter to embassy as well as his affidavit.Goodluck to your father


          • #6
            Try with the facts.





