As I am retired in 1996, I have selected RETIRED under" Present work/education/training in DS 160 form
But under" Previous Work/Education/Training", a NOTE says"Provide your employment info for the last 5 years"
And a question,Were you previously Employed: YES NO
Now for past five years,i am not working as I am retired since 1996.
Should I put NO,and proceed to next item?
Or should I put YES and enter my employment details of my last job from 1965-1996?
Which is correct?
Kindly clarify
But under" Previous Work/Education/Training", a NOTE says"Provide your employment info for the last 5 years"
And a question,Were you previously Employed: YES NO
Now for past five years,i am not working as I am retired since 1996.
Should I put NO,and proceed to next item?
Or should I put YES and enter my employment details of my last job from 1965-1996?
Which is correct?
Kindly clarify