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DS 160 question

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  • DS 160 question

    As I am retired in 1996, I have selected RETIRED under" Present work/education/training in DS 160 form
    But under" Previous Work/Education/Training", a NOTE says"Provide your employment info for the last 5 years"
    And a question,Were you previously Employed: YES NO
    Now for past five years,i am not working as I am retired since 1996.
    Should I put NO,and proceed to next item?
    Or should I put YES and enter my employment details of my last job from 1965-1996?
    Which is correct?
    Kindly clarify
    Last edited by virgopal; 05-15-2012, 09:05 AM.

  • #2
    Are you getting pension? Or do you have other source of income?


    • #3
      DS 160 question

      Originally posted by dreams1112 View Post
      Are you getting pension? Or do you have other source of income?
      Dear dreams1112:
      Thanks for responding.
      No.I do not receive any pension.But,I do have enough deposits and other sources of income from FD etc.and has been asked by Immihelp to go ahead.,whom I consulted in earlier posts.
      Financial background etc doesn't come into picture, as I am applying under Visa interview waiver program and I can take care of my expenses and no financial docs/property docs are required .
      The question,as I posed,is reg previous work details.In DS 160, do I say No for the question,"we're you employed previously?", as it is applicable for last 5 years,as per their NOTE.i was obviously not working in the last 5 years.
      Or do I say yes and give details of my last job at the time of retirement,like position etc?
      I need clarification on this point only?..I hope I have made myself clear.
      Last edited by virgopal; 05-15-2012, 09:41 AM.





