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Please help!!! Need Clarification about questions in DS-160 form

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  • Please help!!! Need Clarification about questions in DS-160 form

    I am looking for visitor visa interview for my father and mother.
    My father works with my younger brother who is a civil engineer and running a construction firm in my home city. Being working with my brother my father does not have any income. But he helps my brother in office and construction sites.

    I have question about DS-160 form section given below

    Primary occupations?
    I have given "Not Employed" (in details I have added that my father is helping my brother in his construction firm)

    Were you previously employed?
    My father was not employed but he had a private canteen in State Bank of India, Main Branch, Kanpur,
    My Question: Is this section only for employed person and not for private working people?

    My Question:
    Is It OK to specify my fathers canteen info for section in DS-160, The important point is that he was not employee in bank, He had no superviser, He had no salary but his had personal income.

    Or should I say simply "not employed".

    Other than that my parents are living with my unmarried brother and unmarried sister in India. Hoping this may be considered as good tie.

    Any suggestions will be appreciate.

  • #2
    Your bro and sis are definitely good ties but
    working for no money is not good.

    1. For Primary occupation;
    If he can , he must show he is working somewhere for some money
    Can't he show that his brother is paying him some salary.
    There must be some source of his income.

    2.Previously employed;
    Employed here does not mean you have to be salaried.
    It means any kind of paid work.
    [B]Ran a private cafeteria for the state bank of India.[/B]


    • #3
      Thanks a lot Peace999,

      My brother can show that he is paying him some salary, but that may not be enough.
      Q: And as a income proof what document should be helpful?,
      Q: A letter from my brother will work? (as working with brother my father is not putting any money in his account)
      My father has some bank balance as saving and some ancestor;s fields. Other than as a current income what should be helpful?

      And I will add the info related to previous work, with employers address as bank address.
      Q: Do he need any letter from bank that he was running such type of cafeteria, or is it OK only to add this info in the DS-160? Will VO believe on him?


      • #4
        Usually IT returns are useful or salary slip.
        SInce he won't have that,
        he can say he is working with this son in the construction company as xxxx . The son is paying
        him xxxx . The son can write a letter on the company's letter head.
        If he can put a respectable figure of the salary, it will help the visa.
        He should also add that he has a lot of agri land and income from that.( show good figure)

        About the canteen job ( previous) , they will not ask any documents.
        Last edited by peace999; 06-14-2012, 01:57 PM.


        • #5
          Thanks a lot Peace999.

          I'll work on this, that's really helpful

          Q: Do I need to prepare a letter from Court showing all the income and savings? Usually VO does not see any document
          Q: Or only Verbal communication will work for savings with property documents?


          • #6
            Is Letter from employer sufficient as a salary proof ?

            Or bank letter is required for proof? what if man does not put his salary in bank?

            Please suggest!!!


            • #7
              They will not look at any affidavit or court document or bank letter.

              They will mainly ask him what he does and how much he earns.
              He must have a very good answer to that question. The name of post he works as should be respectable( manager etc) and Income figure mentioned should be strong.
              Because decision is made on that .

              Mostly they do not ask for proof . But they can. And if they do, your dad must be ready
              with a letter from your brother on the company's printed letterhead that his dad
              is working as xxxx and drawing xxxx.
              Ideally , for strong income he should be carrying his salary slip and Income tax return but
              since he does not have that you have to make do with the letter and pray to GOD.
              Last edited by peace999; 06-17-2012, 04:04 AM.


              • #8
                In DS-160 for section "reason for visa refusal" they ask explanation:

                I added
                Reason of visa refusal: 214 (b) act.

                Q: Can I add more info related to Family ties here below this?
                Like : Umarried Son, Unmarried daughter, Old father to take care.

                I think this is the way for VO to make understand to overcome 214(b) act rule. I am not trying to be oversmart but just thinking.

                Please suggest!!!
                Last edited by bajpaialok; 06-18-2012, 03:41 PM.


                • #9
                  Does anyone has any suggestions?





