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    Dear Group,
    My mom visited chennai on 16 june 2005. She received her passport along with VISA stamped on 20th June.
    Unfortunately, while doing shopping, a theif stole her bag and along with it her stamed VISA.

    She is horrified and she is under immense depression.

    What are the rules for getting a duplicate VISA?

    1. Can any one help me posting the rules about getting another VISA.

    She got an FIR copy from the local police station to re-apply for another passport. I am sure that she will get her passport from local passport office in 2 days. I do not know the procedure for getting the VISA.

    Does she has to go to Chennai Consulate again for getting a VISA.
    Does she has to get another appointment which is no way possible immediate?
    Can she get an duplicate VISA immediately in a day?
    There are several questions in mind. The only solution is if some one posts a detailed solution of what all things can be done.

    Please help me . She booked her tickets on 27th flight so I am not sure if she can travel by that day.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    I would suggest that you contact TTSVisas and explain it to them. They will let you know the options.

    Once you go through it, please post it here for the benefit of others.
    Immihelp Support
    No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

    Visa and Greencard Tracker

    Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.


    • #3
      Sorry to read the whole thing.

      I am sure thr is an easy procedure on the whole thing. Well one can get a passport easily mentioning the lost part. Coming to Visa, logically speaking (just a thought) I can say tht thr might be a procedure whrin they can look at ur mom's file, since it has just recently been approved, and by some means cancel out the last visa and issue a new one with new numbers or codes whtevr. The idea wud be tht on ur mom's name only the new visa numbers n codes wud work at the immigration. I donot think there is something like a duplicate visa. A visa always needs to be an original stamp right?? A same visa with same nos wud only create confusion I guess. So perhaps they wud just go in and issue a fresh one with new identification tags. I dont know. Wud be interesting to c wht the consulate says. Perhaps they might just ask u to send in ur new passport in mail for the visa process.

      Thr wud be n no of things tht counsulate wud come up with in these circumstances, since they might have pretty many ppl coming up with these kinda issues, as rare as it might sound. Just make sure u contact them asap, so tht ur mom's travel date can be altered accordingly and u dont end up paying for the cancellation etc.

      Not to worry or panic. And like Immi said, plz post ur experience n details here, so tht we can know wht the official rules say.

      Good Luck !!


      • #4
        Originally posted by divyasri
        Sorry to read the whole thing.

        I am sure thr is an easy procedure on the whole thing. Well one can get a passport easily mentioning the lost part. Coming to Visa, logically speaking (just a thought) I can say tht thr might be a procedure whrin they can look at ur mom's file, since it has just recently been approved, and by some means cancel out the last visa and issue a new one with new numbers or codes whtevr. The idea wud be tht on ur mom's name only the new visa numbers n codes wud work at the immigration. I donot think there is something like a duplicate visa. A visa always needs to be an original stamp right?? A same visa with same nos wud only create confusion I guess. So perhaps they wud just go in and issue a fresh one with new identification tags. I dont know. Wud be interesting to c wht the consulate says. Perhaps they might just ask u to send in ur new passport in mail for the visa process.

        Thr wud be n no of things tht counsulate wud come up with in these circumstances, since they might have pretty many ppl coming up with these kinda issues, as rare as it might sound. Just make sure u contact them asap, so tht ur mom's travel date can be altered accordingly and u dont end up paying for the cancellation etc.

        Not to worry or panic. And like Immi said, plz post ur experience n details here, so tht we can know wht the official rules say.

        Good Luck !!
        A new visa needs to be issued for a new passport (as visas contain bio-metric information specific to the passport number among other things). Once the issue is reported to US consulate they will have to list the lost visa number as stolen/invalid before issuing a new one.


        • #5
          Thank you for your replies.
          I have been contacting many people on the globe. Unfortunately no progress.

          The point is that - this is a strange problem and I think my mom is the first one to face this kind, whatever may be probability.

          Police says - wait for 3-4 days and passport will be recovered.
          TT Visas - She has to get a new appointment and her case will be treated as fresh application. I am really tired now to get appointment.

          Chennai consulate: VERY RUDE response people and have no sense of humanity. Treated me like a scum and was told to re-apply.

          What is the problem: No one knows what to do.

          She cancelled her tickets and waiting for some messiah to drop by and return her passport.

          I might ask my local senator to help me giving a letter so that a good-will channel can be created and she can get to meet the consular officials (Americans and not Indian 'pseudo-gods' at Chennai Consulate) and sort out her problem.

          As you all suggested, I will certainly followup the story as it goes back in India. I wish to help people who might face similar problems through our story on Immihelp.

          P.S.: My mom's passport was stolen. She was robbed. This situation was not under her control. Sad part is that Chennai Consulate people are considering this case as 'typical lost' case as if this fiasco is happening because of her total negligence. What kind of peudo-gods are they?

          Very sad.


          • #6
            I wrote to chennai consulate about this incident. I was told to obtain a duplicate passport, and apply as a fresh application with all the fees and relevant documents.
            Very disappointed to know. My mom was supposed to fly today and be with me. due to unfortunate events she has to complete another circle....
            very sad..


            • #7
              uff! how sad .. Gosh ! Cant' believe tht the only solution the counsulate can give is another fresh process on the whole. Wht BS !! I dont' thnink they need to give us tht option...any dick n harry wud know tht !

              So sorry man ! I know wht it means when things go otherwise inspite of all the proper planning.

              I am hoping tht miraculously somehow ur mom's passport gets retrieved. But again desi chor for heavens....u never know.

              Hope the best for U.

              I wud surely try writing to the senator here. It might be of great help. This is a typical case which doesnot really need another fresh application process on the visa.


              • #8
                Hello all,
                does any one know if the same passport number will be issued in case of lost passports or they issue a new passport number?
                I can book an appointment on TTsVISAS with old passport number if the number remains the same.

                Also, does any one know if I can get an early appointment in june in reapplying for a visa. the current availability is in November. I cannot take more pain now.
                I wish those robbers give her back the passport atleast.



                • #9
                  Very sorry to hear that.
                  One of the solutions would be to write to a senator, but just imagine how much time that’s going to take, probably at least a month or two. I think you should contact Department of state to see what are your options, also you should contact DHS. Maybe your mother should file a police report, since that might be a proof that she didn’t lost it ‘just like that’. I think that embassy should give her a priority interview date now and you should keep calling them and explain your situation couple of times. You have to be persuasive, otherwise you will obviously have to wait, as you said, until November for your moms interview.
                  Good luck,


                  • #10
                    hellow, dear
                    with stolen passport case, in my openion, Indian aouthority will cancil previous passport and issue fress passport. it will talke time.
                    Refarding Usa visa stamp on it, I had come to know this kind of case in Brazil, one person lost his passport with usa visa on. you should atleast informe usa consulate immidiately so they can cancil it.
                    that personan in brazil did not get visa when he applied for new visa

                    its our moral duty. next time when you apply, it will help you othewise you will get tough time to get another visa.

                    good luck to you

                    QUOTE=sp1974]Hello all,
                    does any one know if the same passport number will be issued in case of lost passports or they issue a new passport number?
                    I can book an appointment on TTsVISAS with old passport number if the number remains the same.

                    Also, does any one know if I can get an early appointment in june in reapplying for a visa. the current availability is in November. I cannot take more pain now.
                    I wish those robbers give her back the passport atleast.



                    • #11
                      What to do when you loose your passport along with US VISA stamp

                      Hello group,
                      my mom was robbed after getting a US B2 visa. then I wrote to group asking for some help. unfortunately not many people know what to do when such thing happens. I said i will post the best scenario/solution in case if someone looses their passport along with US visa before travel date.

                      My mother obtained her visa again and she is in the US. I thank you this forum for providing a good help and nicely written help documents.

                      The application and material that I sent for her visa application was praised by many and they told me that there are no flaws in the application and that the applicant will be given visa. I just followed what immihelp asked me to do to get my mom B2 visa.

                      Here is what you should do immediately.

                      1. No duplicate visa will be issued in this case.

                      Go to police station and get immediately an FIR lodged. Get an attested copy of the FIR. Write a letter to American consulate informing you lost your passport and visa stamp. Write interview date, the date visa issued and passport number. Inform consulate that you are in the process of obtaining a duplicate passport. Send the letter along with attested copy of FIR to consulate either my mail or by FAX.
                      2. Get the NTC (Non-traceable certificate) from the Police station. They might give you this after 15-20 days, depending on the state rules.
                      3. Apply for a duplicate passport based on FIR.
                      4. After getting passport book your appointment immediately.
                      5. Prepare the whole documents, that were taken to consulate as-it-is.
                      6. Write a nice cover letter to Consulate general thanking him first for issuing a visa for the first time and unfortunately you lost it.
                      7. Take everything (documents) that you carried to consulate again and be prepared to pay the fees (even TT visas). On their website TTvisas proudly states that there is no need to pay fees, but that point is followed not strictly. However, it would be good not to interfere with their rules and policies because it is waste of time and you might end up in paying the fees anyways.
                      8. Carry to consulate attested copy of FIR and NTC.
                      9. Explain the situation clearly and tell them you lost it under extreme circumstances.
                      10. With luck you will get it.

                      Whatever it may be dont get dejected and loose hopes that you will not get visa.

                      I like to say again:
                      there is no speacial consideration for people who lost theur passport and visa. So you must get an early date of appointment. The procedure after that is identical to that of fresh visa.

                      good luck to all of you.





