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Need Advise.. carrying Medicines for others

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  • Need Advise.. carrying Medicines for others

    Hi, Need help/suggestions...

    My mother is travelling from India to US next week for visiting purpose. One of my friends father is already here who came to US a couple of months ago. He had a heart surgery in India and he got limited stock of medicines while travelling to US.. Now his medication is about to get over and my friend is requesting my mother to carry these medicines with her. Now the quantity of medicines is definitely large (approx 1 kg stock for a month) and though the prescription is also handedover to my mother in India along with the medicines, she is scared if she is going to have any problems while carrying these medicines as these are not for her personal use and the prescription does not have her name on it... please advise/suggest if it is ok to carry so many medicines for others???

    I truly appreciate your help!!!


  • #2
    This is from the US Customs website (cbp.gov);
    Hope it helps.

    Can I travel with medications and medical devices, such as needles or oxygen tanks?

    Prescription medications should be in their original containers, it is advised that you travel with no more than personal use quantities, a rule of thumb is no more than a 90 day supply. If your medications or devices are not in their original containers, you should have a copy of your prescription with you or a letter from your doctor.

    The FDA is responsible for pharmaceutical admissibility determinations. If you have any questions as to whether a specific pharmaceutical may be imported into the United States, please contact the FDA, Division of Import Operations and Policy, at (301) 796-0356.

    If you are traveling with medical devices such as needles or oxygen tanks that could pose a security or safety concern to others, be sure to have a copy of the prescription for those items from your doctor. You should also contact the Transportation Security Administration about any additional requirements they may have.


    • #3
      Thanks for your prompt reply... I did read through similar articles at various websites...but the question I have in mind is that the prescription does not belong to the person who is travelling (my mother).. but belongs to someone else... so will there be any problem or questions from them as to why the medicines are being taken for someone else who is not travelling with you and what way the person is related etc.... pls suggest..

      No where is it mentioned that we can carry medicines with prescription for others who is not actually the passenger... So I'm kind of confused..
      Last edited by visques; 06-18-2012, 01:12 PM.


      • #4
        any advise please....


        • #5
          Originally posted by visques View Post
          Thanks for your prompt reply... I did read through similar articles at various websites...but the question I have in mind is that the prescription does not belong to the person who is travelling (my mother).. but belongs to someone else... so will there be any problem or questions from them as to why the medicines are being taken for someone else who is not travelling with you and what way the person is related etc.... pls suggest..

          No where is it mentioned that we can carry medicines with prescription for others who is not actually the passenger... So I'm kind of confused..
          It would be nice if you get a response with a first hand account of a similar situation, but I doubt.

          If questioned, saying that they are carrying them for another person will not sit well because there is no way of proving it. I think you and your friend will have to take a calculated risk here.

          Three things can happen.

          --> The medicines are never found and your parents go thru the customs without any issues.

          --> They are found and the un-satisfactory response would result in them being confiscated / discarded --> Your friend is at loss.

          --> Any action on the actual carriers --> This we do not know.


          • #6
            I do not think there will be any major issues if the supply is less than 90 days
            and accompanied by the prescription. Even if some one else's . The person taking the medication should
            carry the patient's phone no. , address, so if the officers want to cross check, they can.
            The custom's only concern is bulk smuggling of medication for illegal trade.
            Since your supply will be less than 90 days with an authentic documentation, there will not be any problems.
            Last edited by peace999; 06-19-2012, 01:36 AM.





