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Visitor Visa stay extension for 2 months

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  • Visitor Visa stay extension for 2 months

    I need help in understanding the procedure for visitor visa extension for my mother. She is here for 1st time and stay is valid till Dec 3rd 2013 (6 months). I would like to extend this for 2 months (max) and the reason would be, she will be not be able to travel alone and I am planning to go along with her during my vacation in dec end - jan .

    Can anyone briefly explain me below questions?

    1) What is the procedure for this?
    2) How much time will the process take?
    3) What is the applicable fee?
    4) Will it cause any issues in future (for re-entry or visa extension after 10 year expiry)

    Thank you for your time.


  • #2
    You can go to USCIS.gov and file I-539 online. It takes about 2 to 3 months to process.
    If it is an approval , fine but if it is a denial and comes after her current date is expired,she becomes out of status and will be asked to leave immediately.
    In that case USCIS server will record an overstay when she leaves. She will be able to enter next time but she will have to prove with extension denial letter
    and boarding passes that she was denied extension and she left immediately.

    So, consider that before applying. If you apply now, the response will definitely come after Dec. 3. You should have applied sooner to avoid the above

    ALso, at renewal of visa in India, they look at past usage. 1-2 extensions once in a while are ok. But very frequent visits, 6 month stay every time and too
    many extensions all that combined together can be negative.


    • #3
      Visitor Visa stay extension for 2 months

      Thank you peace999.
      Really appreciate for your time in replying me. I might have to consider to drop this plan then.

      I have another curious question:
      What will be the procedure for visa extension after expiry (i.e after 10 years) ? I heard, we just have to submit a form for extension and stamping will be done for another 10 yrs or so and the interview process is not there. Is it true?
      (The process/rules might change after 10 yrs, but just wanted to know as of today.)





