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B2 visa is going to exipre in april 2015 need advice on extension

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  • B2 visa is going to exipre in april 2015 need advice on extension

    My mother has b2 visa with multi entry. Her visa will expire in 2015 April, I want information on the process for b2 visa extension, she is currently in America but return to India in October, can she file extension from America or she must do it from India?
    Also please provide me all the documents /form she must fill for b2 visa extension.

  • #2
    One cannot extend one's visa. One has to reapply for the visa. Since her last visa was granted after august 2004, she can avail of the interview-waiver
    provided she applies in the same Indian consulate where she got her visa last time.
    It has to be done in India not in USA.

    Go to USTRAVELDOCS.COM and look for the link "renew your visa".





