My Mom who just completed 69 yrs in April will be visiting me in MA and my brother in CA. I was browsing through your website and found it very confusing to understand what is the best insurance coverage for her. She has mild arthritis and takes medication for BP, other than that she is pretty healthy. I would appreciate you giving me a better sense of what coverage I should get for her and also the providers that accept the particular insurance both east and west coast.
Thank you for your time,
My Mom who just completed 69 yrs in April will be visiting me in MA and my brother in CA. I was browsing through your website and found it very confusing to understand what is the best insurance coverage for her. She has mild arthritis and takes medication for BP, other than that she is pretty healthy. I would appreciate you giving me a better sense of what coverage I should get for her and also the providers that accept the particular insurance both east and west coast.
Thank you for your time,