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Which travel insurance to choose in comprehensive coverage

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  • Which travel insurance to choose in comprehensive coverage


    My father is travelling to the US as a visitor from Jun 10th till Oct 10th. He is 79 yrs. I have 3 questions here:-

    1. Which policy should I go for and I have shortlisted LIAISON CONTINENT A, LIAISON CONTINENT B, PATRIOT AMERICA and PATRIOT GO TRAVEL. These I found the cheapest in comprehensive.
    2. What coverage should I ideally go for 5000/100000?
    3. Lastly, As per the dates mentioned it is 4 months and 1 day. Is it going to charge me extra if its more than 4 months (because some websites warning me on this). If i take travel insurance after 1 day of his arrival OR do the insurance end date 1 day before his departure, then it can be exactly 4 months. Will this be acceptable to the insurance co and wont have any problem as per the immigration dates?

  • #2
    Please call our office at (866)INSU-BUY will be glad to explain the major difference between those plans.

    Licensed agent
    Thanks & Regards
    Toll Free: (866) INSUBUY
    Local: (972) 985-4400
    Fax: (972) 767-4470
    Website: http://www.insubuy.com


    • #3
      Understanding the Deductible- important


      I need more clarification on the term 'deductible'. I called up the Insubuy customer care and what they explained me was: It is the initial and one time payment. For example if I visit a doctor for a small sickness and they bill me $300 and if my deductible is $1000/policy coverage then I will have to pay upfront $1000 to them. This means I am paying $700 MORE than they ACTUALLY billed. This seems to me quite confusing and impractical.

      I had the idea of deductible (from corporate health insurance which I myself have) that, I will pay whatever amounts billed to me (below $1000 deductible in this case) till I reach $1000,not in a single shot. After that the insurance co will pay 100% or 80/20 whatever the plan demands. But the call center saying something else and it confuses me. Please explain.


      • #4
        I apologize for any potential confusion regarding deductible.

        If you have taken $1,000 deductible and the bill is $300, you only pay $300. You still have $700 to pay towards future expenses. The next time, if your bill is $100, you pay $100. Now, you have paid $400 towards deductible and $600 still remaining. You keep paying until you have paid $1,000 deductible and the coverage starts.

        However, if you have $1,000 deductible, and if your expense is $4,000, you pay entire $1,000 deductible right away. In most plans, you pay only once. Therefore, if you have $10,000 expenses the next time, you don't have to pay deductible again.

        I hope that answers your questions.

        If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.
        Thanks & Regards
        Toll Free: (866) INSUBUY
        Local: (972) 985-4400
        Fax: (972) 767-4470
        Website: http://www.insubuy.com


        • #5
          Exactly, this is correct and this what we all knew. The customer care said absolutely wrong or may have understood me wrong.
          Taking your example below:

          "If you have taken $1,000 deductible and the bill is $300, you only pay $300. You still have $700 to pay towards future expenses. The next time, if your bill is $100, you pay $100. Now, you have paid $400 towards deductible and $600 still remaining. You keep paying until you have paid $1,000 deductible and the coverage starts."

          ----do I need to keep track of the deductibles I am accumulating(till i reach $1000 for e.g.), myself or the insurance co can track it in some way?
          ----The reason for myself going for a higher deductible is to take a chance and pay less premium, as seen in 90% cases visitors do not get utterly sick/injured. Please correct me if I am wrong.

          Also the customer care informed me when I asked: if a person gets hospitalized before the policy expires (e.g Oct 7th expiration date) and he got admitted Oct 2nd and continues to stay till October 20th. Will the policy cover for the remaining days after Oct 7th. Customer care said NO after policy expires nothing. I think this is wrong too as I read in your website (Benefit period for continued treatment... section), it is allowed. Please correct/explain me.

          Thanks for your quick response and help.


          • #6
            If you tell me who you talked to, I will investigate to make sure they answer accurately. Alternatively, please let me know your name and when you called so that I can check.

            1. As long as either you or the provider files the claim with the insurance company, they will keep track of the deductible. Otherwise, they have no way to know that you paid anything towards the deductible.

            Each insurance plan will pay after the expiration date of the policy according to benefit period in the plan. However, there are some plans that have no benefit period. Therefore, in order to provide an accurate answer, I need to know which plan you are referring to.
            Thanks & Regards
            Toll Free: (866) INSUBUY
            Local: (972) 985-4400
            Fax: (972) 767-4470
            Website: http://www.insubuy.com


            • #7
              I don't remember the name whom I talked to, but I talked to her at 11.30 AM CST and I called from my number 7203183014 and the calls are recorded it seems.

              I was comparing these: LIAISON CONTINENT A, LIAISON CONTINENT B (cheapest for $1000 deductible), PATRIOT AMERICA. Atlas America is the costliest (could not understand why?)

              Please suggest which I should go and what deductible for my father, aged 79 for 121 days.


              • #8
                What phone number did you call?

                I don't see any phone call from 7203183014 (or from 720 area code) today and I don't see any one named Rajat (or anything close) called us today.
                Thanks & Regards
                Toll Free: (866) INSUBUY
                Local: (972) 985-4400
                Fax: (972) 767-4470
                Website: http://www.insubuy.com


                • #9
                  I called Insubuy no - 866 467 8289 and cell no is 7203183014


                  • #10
                    Liaison Continent A: After deductible, pays 80% to $5,000, then 100% to policy max
                    Liaison Continent B: After deductible, pays 75% to policy max (That is why it is the cheapest)
                    Patriot America: After deductible, pays 90% (80% out of network) to $5,000, then 100% to policy max

                    Atlas America: After deductible, as long as you visit the providers in the network and they bill directly, it covers 100%. Otherwise, after deductible, it pays 80% to $5,000, then 100% to policy max.

                    However, in Atlas America, if you go to the Urgent Care, you don't have to pay the deductible. That is an attractive feature.
                    Thanks & Regards
                    Toll Free: (866) INSUBUY
                    Local: (972) 985-4400
                    Fax: (972) 767-4470
                    Website: http://www.insubuy.com


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by rajatdasroy View Post
                      I called Insubuy no - 866 467 8289 and cell no is 7203183014
                      I didn't find any records. Did you tell your name Rajat or something else?
                      Thanks & Regards
                      Toll Free: (866) INSUBUY
                      Local: (972) 985-4400
                      Fax: (972) 767-4470
                      Website: http://www.insubuy.com


                      • #12
                        Based on our phone conversation, it seems that you didn't call our office. We don't have anyone named Nicole in our office. You said that you have called many companies. It seems you contacted someone else in some other company. It is very highly unlikely that someone from Insubuy would give wrong answers to such basic things as they are highly trained and licensed insurance agents. Finally, you just talked with the right company (Insubuy) who knows the proper answers to all of your questions.

                        I believe that your rest of the questions regarding the plans are answered as well.

                        If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.
                        Thanks & Regards
                        Toll Free: (866) INSUBUY
                        Local: (972) 985-4400
                        Fax: (972) 767-4470
                        Website: http://www.insubuy.com





