Mixed Insurance Banners Health Insurance for Visitors to USA


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Visitors insurance for mother

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  • Visitors insurance for mother

    My mother has had several policies covering periods of stay in the USA. She is a UK resident. She is travelling to the USA again for a period of about 5 weeks. Can you offer insurance for her entire stay?

  • #2
    Thank you for your interest in purchasing medical insurance for your visiting mom. As a broker, we have several different insurance products from different companies.

    Essentially, all of them fall into to 2 categories:
    Fixed coverage: Limited coverage and cheaper. Read https://www.insubuy.com/guide/terms.jsp?section=fixed
    Comprehensive: Better coverage and more expensive. Read https://www.insubuy.com/guide/terms.jspsection=comprehensive
    Please look at https://www.insubuy.com/ You can look at all the details online and make instant purchase.

    A good plan in fixed coverage category is Visitors Care. Please look at https://www.insubuy.com/visitors-care-insurance/
    A good plan in comprehensive coverage category is Protection America. Please look at https://www.insubuy.com/patriot-america-insurance/

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.
    Thanks & Regards
    Toll Free: (866) INSUBUY
    Local: (972) 985-4400
    Fax: (972) 767-4470
    Website: http://www.insubuy.com


    • #3
      Hi Mr. Khatri,

      Her previous policies have been much less expensive. What is the Inbound USA policy? This seems much more affordable than those you suggested.


      • #4
        Inbound USA is also fixed coverage plan, similar to Visitors Care.

        You can look at the details at https://www.insubuy.com/safe-travels-for-visitors-to-the-usa-insurance/

        Please let me know if you have any other questions.
        Thanks & Regards
        Toll Free: (866) INSUBUY
        Local: (972) 985-4400
        Fax: (972) 767-4470
        Website: http://www.insubuy.com


        • #5
          As Visitors Care only offers a maximum of $10,000 coverage for an 81 year old, we will take a closer look at Inbound USA, as it offers $50,000.



          • #6
            Yes, Inbound USA is better for age 80+, compared to Visitors Care. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
            Thanks & Regards
            Toll Free: (866) INSUBUY
            Local: (972) 985-4400
            Fax: (972) 767-4470
            Website: http://www.insubuy.com





