I was really glad to see this kind of web site for Travel insurance and thanks to you for all your efforts.
I have few questions for you and I will appreciate if you answer them as soon as possible so that I can take an action -- thanks in advance.
1. Apart from Renewal what is other difference between Protection and Patriot America?
2. How late we can buy insurance. I mean once they reach here in USA can we buy or before they leave we have to buy. Or in other words how soon the insurance becomes effective once u buy online.
I was really glad to see this kind of web site for Travel insurance and thanks to you for all your efforts.
I have few questions for you and I will appreciate if you answer them as soon as possible so that I can take an action -- thanks in advance.
1. Apart from Renewal what is other difference between Protection and Patriot America?
2. How late we can buy insurance. I mean once they reach here in USA can we buy or before they leave we have to buy. Or in other words how soon the insurance becomes effective once u buy online.