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Travelers medical insurance questions

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  • Travelers medical insurance questions

    have a couple of questions regarding the insurance plans offered for tourists to the United States of America. I require a medical insurance for my mother who will be in the US for 4 months from Malaysia. I have a couple of questions that i need clarification for.
    1. What does the coverage limit for medical expense mean?
    2.What is a deductible amount and how does this work? Is this a co-pay?
    3.Is there a medical plan with a co-pay between $25 and $35?
    4.What is a co-insurance?
    5. Prescription medicine- how much money do we have to pay vs how much does the insurance cover?

    Thank you.

  • #2
    1. That is the maximum amount the insurance plan will pay.
    2. No, deductible is different from copay. Look at https://www.insubuy.com/visitor-heal...ce/#deductible
    3. There is no concept of copay in short term plans. Please look at https://www.insubuy.com/visitors-insurance/ to understand how it works.
    4. Read https://www.insubuy.com/visitor-heal...e/#coinsurance
    5. That depends upon the plan you purchase. Please look at various plans available at https://www.insubuy.com

    Please call us so that we can go over various plans with you and suggest you the most suitable plan to you.
    Thanks & Regards
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    Website: http://www.insubuy.com





