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US citizens visiting the U.S. for short time

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  • US citizens visiting the U.S. for short time

    My wife and I are US Citizens of Indian origin. We have retired and are visiting India now. We will be returning to the US soon and after spendig one month in the US, will continue our holidaying in India. We do not have health Insurance in the US. Could you suggest what we should do to cover for health insurance while in the US for one month? I request you to advise ASAP. Thanks...

  • #2
    How old are you? Your wife?

    For how long you have been staying in India?

    After one month vacation in the US, do you intend to go back to India and stay here for indefinite period?

    While you stayed in the US, before going to India, what insurance you had?
    Thanks & Regards
    Toll Free: (866) INSUBUY
    Local: (972) 985-4400
    Fax: (972) 767-4470
    Website: http://www.insubuy.com


    • #3
      How old are you? Your wife? I am 60 and my wife is 59.

      For how long you have been staying in India? We are on a long vacation here. Came to Chennai in November 2009 and are returning on April 17.

      After one month vacation in the US, do you intend to go back to India and stay here for indefinite period? After the one month stay in US (April-May 2010), we will return to Chennai and spend about 6 moths again, before settling back in the US which is our home.

      While you stayed in the US, before going to India, what insurance you had? Through my employer, my wife and I were covered with Aetna Health. I retired in Oct 2009 and wife retired in Juy 2009.


      • #4
        Where will you stay? What state? What zip code?
        Thanks & Regards
        Toll Free: (866) INSUBUY
        Local: (972) 985-4400
        Fax: (972) 767-4470
        Website: http://www.insubuy.com


        • #5
          Will stay in our son's home in Oakland, California. Zip is 94605.
          We will eventually rent or buy a home in California. Please be advised that we are returning to the US (California) on April 17 to spend some time (about 1 month) with our son, and not for any medical treatment.

          Thank you.


          • #6
            I confirmed with the underwriter. Both of you can buy Liaison Majestic, available at https://www.insubuy.com/atlasamerica-insurance/
            Thanks & Regards
            Toll Free: (866) INSUBUY
            Local: (972) 985-4400
            Fax: (972) 767-4470
            Website: http://www.insubuy.com





