A child born in the U.S. automatically receives U.S. citizenship. This right is enforced by the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
This is one of the major reasons why birth tourism is booming in the country—and also causing a headache for the government.
As an immigrant, you might run into a slight inconvenience going through customs. This might be more apparent for women with a visible baby bump.
How Much Does Giving Birth Cost?
A normal delivery alone costs around $12,290, and a C-Section costs an average of $16,907.
This cost shoots up for hospitals in metropolitan areas. New Jersey has the highest national average with a whopping $29,048 for a normal hospital birth. It’s not the procedure itself but the boarding and room prices that make it so expensive.
Antenatal visit costs for most of Michigan stand at around $107/visit. Check with your hospital or health center for the visiting cost.
That’s not all—consider the first year of your baby’s life. Birth-related medical expenses aside, the first year of raising a child costs about $12,000, and this cost keeps going up as your child grows.
You should either already have health insurance that covers pregnancy/childbirth or have enough money to pay out of your pocket. Don’t try to buy insurance when you are already pregnant, because no company will cover such expected expenses.
You can also consider at-home births or having your baby at a birthing center. They cost less, and the midwives can help you address any fears you might have.
Birth Policies
Birth policies are simply the set rules every hospital has regarding birthing procedures. These, of course, vary by hospital and also by state. Talk to your healthcare provider and the OB/GYN to learn what policies are applicable in your region.
These policies change over time. Even if you have read about them on a hospital blog or website, consider inquiring with the hospital directly to double-check.
Do inquire about the birth equipment your chosen hospital uses and about their birth procedure, whether C-section or natural birth, for clarity. This is especially necessary information for the expectant mother and her partner to quell any last-minute anxiety they might face during birth.
Good Information to Know
- Video support is available for absentee partners of the expectant mother. You may also seek a support person in the case of single mothers.
- Free medical care is available in every state. For more information, do visit womenshealth.gov or call 1-800-994-9662. Other options include the Medical Assistance/Medicaid program or the child welfare program, both run at the state level.
- Some maternity websites offer freebies to expectant mothers. Look them up occasionally to claim samples for your child, including diapers, baby milk formula, and the like.
- You can also read magazines on pregnancy and childcare. There are free publications available—Baby Talk Magazine and American Baby Magazine provide free subscriptions to expectant mothers.