Manisha Gupta
123 Park St, Apt 45
Edison, NJ 08830
Phone: (973) 555-0123
Email: [email protected]
October 6, 2020
Attn: H4
P.O. Box 660921
Dallas, TX 75266
(Exact address differs based on the applicant’s state of residence and delivery method: USPS vs private courier)
Re: H4 – Employment Authorization Document Application
Mrs. Manisha Gupta
(Optional) A-Number: A12345678 (If allocated in past)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I currently hold a valid H4 visa based on the valid H-1B visa of my husband, Mr. Rahul Gupta.
I am herewith seeking an H4 Visa EAD based on the approval of the I-140 immigrant petition for my husband.
Please find the following documents enclosed herewith:
- Fee payment: Check payable to “United State Department of Homeland Security” in the amount of $495, which includes:
$410 = Filing Fee
$85 = Biometric Services Fee
Alternatively, you can pay with a credit card.
Form G-1450, Authorization for Credit Card Transactions in the amount of $495, which includes:
$410 = Filing Fee
$85 = Biometric Services Fee
- Completed and signed Form I-765
- Copy of Form I-94 (front and back, if applicable)
- Copy of my last EAD (if applicable)
- Copy of my passport showing picture, name, and date of birth
- Two photographs
- Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance
- Copy of my marriage certificate
- Copy of my husband’s approved I-140 petition
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at my contact information mentioned above. Otherwise, kindly issue me an H4 EAD at the earliest convenience.
Manisha Gupta