Sample J-1 Visa Permission Letter

Sample J-1 Visa Permission Letter

Ms. Lilly Silly
Assistant to Professor Douglas
Department of Biology
Goldflower University
Dallas, TX 75230

March 15, 2019

Ms. Jane Smith
Foreign Students and Scholar Office
Silver Cloud University
Stamford, CT 06123

Dear Ms. Smith,

Professor Zhing Zhang is currently at your university as part of his J-1 visa exchange program. Professor Douglas at our university has invited Professor Zhang to give a talk in biology seminar on April 27, 2019, at Gold Flower University.

Professor Douglas believes that this participation would greatly enrich Professor Zhang’s J-1 visa exchange program as well as benefit the researchers participating in the seminar.

We hereby respectfully request your permission to reimburse Professor Zhang toward his travel and other expenses and to give him $250 honorarium.

You may fax your response to (972) 123-4567 or send it by postal mail to the above address in this letter. 

If you have any questions or need any further information, please feel free to contact me at any time.


Ms. Lilly Silly
Assistant to Professor Douglas
Department of Biology

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