申请申根签证时, 您应该提交一份申请信, 说明您旅行的目的, 所附文件的清单, 您的旅行路线, 您为旅行做了什么安排, 以及您将如何支付旅行费用。最好提供每天的计划(行程), 让领事官员清楚地了解您在申根地区的时间段具体要做什么, 以及您的明确意图是什么。
下面的申根签证申请自荐信可能会对您有一些帮助。当然, 您必须根据您的具体情况做出具体的改变。
Ning Chen
13 El Camino Real, Apt 45
Sunnyvale, CA 95123
Phone: +1 (408) 123-4567
Email: [email protected]
May 24, 2019
Consulate General of Switzerland
Pier 17, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94111
Subject: Schengen visa for tourism for Ning Chen, Chinese Passport No: E1234567
Dear Sir or Madam,
My wife Meng Zhang and I would like to travel to Switzerland from Jun 15, 2019, through Jun 25, 2019, as tourists. I would like to apply for the Schengen visa for the same.
We have grown up watching European movies, and it is our lifelong dream to visit Switzerland to see all its beautiful sightseeing places.
We have planned our travel itinerary as follows:
- 06/14/2019 – Take a flight from San Francisco, CA
- 06/15/2019 – Land at Zurich Airport, Switzerland. Overnight stay at Zurich Marriott Hotel
- 06/16/2019 – Visit Lake Zurich, Burkliplatz, and Loindehof Square
- 06/17/2019 – Visit Old Town, Rhine Falls, Grossmunster, and Uetliberg
- 06/18/2019 – Travel to The Matterhorn
- 06/19/2019 – Travel to Jungfraujoch – The top of Europe
- 06/20/2019 – Travel to Interlaken and Lucerne
- 06/21/2019 – Travel to Lake Geneva, Jet d’Eau (Water Jet), Temple de Saint-Pierre
- 06/22/2019 – Jaridin Anglais (English Garden) and Parc de la Grange
- 06/23/2019 – Visit Jardin Botanique (Botanical Gardens)
- 06/24/2019 – Travel Back to Zurich. Overnight stay.
- 06/25/2019 – Take a flight back to San Francisco, CA.
Please find the following documents attached herewith in support of my Schengen visa application:
- Schengen visa application form
- Two photographs
- Valid passport – Original and a copy
- Proof of accommodation
- Proof of my bank statements, tax returns, and my last 3 pay stubs
- Employment letter, no objection letter
- Marriage certificate
- Flight itinerary
- Schengen visa fees
- Schengen visa travel insurance
- Proof of our legal status in US – H1B visa for myself and H4 visa for my wife
- Proof of medical records – specific to your medical condition
- Bank statements to show that you have enough money to take care of your treatment. (大多数保险计划不覆盖去外国治疗原有疾病的费用)
I trust that you will find the above documents sufficient in order to approve our Schengen visa.
If you have any questions or need further documents, I can be reached at any time at the above-mentioned contact information.
Ning Chen