U.S. Embassy/Consulate Jurisdiction for Immigrant Visa or Consular Processing through NVC

Applicants are eligible to apply for immigrant visa processing in one of the following countries:

  • Principal applicant’s country of birth

  • Derivative spouse’s country of birth

  • The principal applicant’s country of residence (or country of the last residence if the applicant is residing in the United States)

  • The applicant’s country of Nationality

You may submit your request with proof of eligibility, if you wish to process at the requested U.S. Embassy/Consulate General. Possible proof includes the following: a copy of a government issued document such as birth certificate, valid passport, valid work visa, identity card or landed immigrant card.

If the requested country either does not fall into one of the above categories, does not process immigrant visas, or insufficient proof of eligibility has been furnished, the request to change the Consulate will be denied.

If a given country has a U.S. Embassy and additionally has Consulates that can process an immigrant visa, you will need to further show the proof of eligibility by showing the residence in that region.

If you are unable to provide sufficient proof and still wish to gain approval for another country to process the applicant’s immigrant visa, you must direct your inquiry to the U.S. Embassy/Consulate General where you wish the case to be processed.

Moved to Different Consulate Jurisdiction
If the beneficiary moves to a different Consulate jurisdiction while the case is pending at NVC, he/she can the appropriate proof, as described above, to NVC.

You should send the documents to NVC’s mailing address (the one with Attn: WC) or you can send them an email.

U.S. consulates worldwide

Moved Within the Same Consulate Jurisdiction

While the beneficiary is waiting for an immigrant visa number to be available, but after the petition is approved and sent to NVC, if he/she moves to a different location, but within the same Consulate jurisdiction, he/she has to just inform NVC of the new address. No other additional documents are required

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