![U.S. Immigration Abbreviations and Acronyms U.S. Immigration Abbreviations and Acronyms](https://www.immihelp.com/wordpress/../assets/cms/us-immigration-abbreviations-acronyms-1.jpg)
AAO | Administrative Appeals Office (formerly the Administrative Appeals Unit (AAU)) |
AC | Associate Commissioner (of INS) |
AC21 | American Competitiveness in the 21st Century Act of 2000 |
ACE | Accelerated Citizen Examination |
ACPA | Assistant Chief Patrol Agent |
ACWIA | American Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act of 1998 |
AD | Approval Date |
ADD | Assistant District Director. Also, ADDE (Examinations); ADDI (Investigations); ADDM (Management) |
ADIT | Alien Documentation, Identification, and Telecommunications system (ADIT photos are no longer used) |
AEDPA | Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 |
AFACS | A-Files Accountability and Control System |
AFAIK | As Far As I Know |
A-File | Alien File |
AG | Attorney General of the United States |
AILA | American Immigration Lawyers Association |
AILF | American Immigration Law Foundation |
ALC | Alien Labor Certification |
ALJ | Administrative Law Judge |
AMIS | Asset Management Information System |
A-Number | Alien Number |
AO | 1. Administrative Officer 2. Asylum Officer 3. Adjudication Officer |
AOC | Asylum Officer Corps |
AOIC | Assistant Officer-in-Charge |
AOS | 1. Adjustment of Status (USCIS definition) 2. Affidavit of Support (Dept of State definition) |
ARC | Alien Registration Card (also called Permanent Resident Card or Green Card) |
A/S | Adjustment of Status |
AP | 1. Advance Parole 2. Administrative Processing |
AR | Administrative Review |
ASC | Application Support Center (fingerprinting location) |
ASVI | Alien Status Verification Index |
AVLOS | Automated Visa Lookout System |
AWO | Affirmance Without Opinion |
BALCA | Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals |
BAR | Board of Appellate Review |
BCA | Bureau of Consular Affairs |
BCC | I-186 or I-586 Nonresident Alien Border Crossing Card |
BCIS | Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (now USCIS) |
BEC | Backlog Elimination Center |
BIA | Board of Immigration Appeals |
Biometrics | Fingerprints, signatures, photographs, and other material used to personally and uniquely identify a person |
BIT | Bilateral Investment Treaty |
BOP | Bureau of Prisons; also, Burden of Proof |
BP | Border Patrol |
CAT | United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhumane, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment |
CBP | (U.S.) Customs and Border Protection |
CCA | Child Citizenship Act |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CGFNS | Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools |
CIJ | Chief Immigration Judge |
CIS | 1. Central Index System 2. Citizenship and Immigration Services (more commonly known as USCIS) 3. Center for Immigration Studies |
CLAIMS | Computer Linked Application Information Management System |
CLN | Certificate of Loss of Nationality |
CMT | Crime of Moral Turpitude (also known as Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude (CIMT)) |
CO | 1. Certifying Officer (of DOL) 2. Consulate Officer |
COA | Class of Admission |
COB | Country of Birth |
COC | Country of Citizenship |
ConOff | Consular Officer |
CORAP | Central Office of Refugee, Asylum, and Parole |
COS | Change of Status |
CP | Consular Processing |
CPR | Conditional Permanent Resident |
CPT | Curricular Practical Training |
CR | Conditional Resident |
C/S | Change of Status |
CSC | California Service Center |
CSPA | Child Status Protection Act |
CUSA | Citizenship U.S.A. |
CWOP | Cancelled WithOut Prejudice |
D&D | Detention and Deportation |
DAO | 1. District Adjudication Officer 2. Deputy Adjudications Officer |
DCF | Direct Consular Filing |
DCPA | Deputy Chief Patrol Agent |
DD | District Director |
DDD | Deputy District Director |
DED | Deferred Enforced Departure |
DFS | Designated Fingerprint Service |
DHS | Department of Homeland Security |
DO | 1. District Office 2. Deportation Officer |
DOB | Date of Birth |
DOD | Date of Defense |
DOE | Date of Entry |
DOJ | Department of Justice |
DOL | Department of Labor |
DORA | Dallas Office Rapid Adjustment of Status |
DOS | Department of State |
DOT | Dictionary of Occupational Titles |
D/S | Duration of Status |
DSO | Designated School Official |
DV | Diversity Visa Lottery Program |
EAC | Eastern Adjudication Center (now Vermont Service Center) |
EAD | Employment Authorization Document (I-688B) |
EAJA | Equal Access to Justice Act |
ENFORCE | Enforcement Case Tracking System |
EOIR | Executive Office for Immigration Review |
EOS | Extension of Stay |
ER | Expedited Removal |
E/S | Extension of Status or Stay |
ETA | Employment and Training Administration |
EVD | Extended Voluntary Departure |
EVL | Employment Verification Letter |
EWI | Entry Without Inspection |
EWIC | Essential Worker Immigration Coalition |
FAM | Foreign Affairs Manual |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FARES | Fees and Applications Receipt and Entry System |
FCCPT | Foreign Credentialing Commission on Physical Therapy |
FCN | Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation |
FCO | File Control Office |
FED. REG. | Federal Register |
FGM | Female Genital Mutilation |
FMG | Foreign Medical Graduate |
FOIA | Freedom of Information Act |
FP | Fingerprinting |
FR | Federal Register |
FSN | Foreign Service National |
FSO | Foreign Service Officer |
FTA | Free Trade Agreement |
FTO | Free Trade Officer |
GAL | General Administration Letter of DOL |
GC | Green Card |
GEMS | General Counsel Management System |
GPO | Government Printing Office |
Green Card | Permanent Resident Card |
HB | House Bill |
HQ | Headquarters |
HR | House Report |
HRIFA | Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act |
IA | Immigration Agent |
IBIS | Interagency Border Inspection System |
ICE | (U.S.) Immigration and Customs Enforcement |
ICMS | Investigations Case Management System |
ID | Interview Date |
IDENT | Automated Fingerprint Identification System |
IE | Immigration Examiner |
iEAD | Interim EAD |
IFM | Inspector’s Field Manual |
IG | Inspector General |
II | Immigration Inspector |
IIO | Immigration Information Officer |
IIRAIRA | Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (also IIRIRA) |
IJ | Immigration Judge |
ILT | AILA’s Immigration Law Today |
IMBRA | International Marriage Brokers Act |
IMFA | Immigration Marriage Fraud Amendments Act |
IMHO | In My Humble Opinion |
IMMACT90 | Immigration Act of 1990 |
IMO | In My Opinion |
INA | Immigration and Nationality Act |
INFOPASS | Online appointment system to take an appointment with local immigration officer |
INS | Immigration and Naturalization Service (now USCIS) |
INSERTS | Immigration and Naturalization Service Early Research and Transmittal System |
INSPASS | INS Passenger Accelerated Service System |
INTCA | Immigration and Nationality Technical Corrections Act of 1994 |
INV | Investigations |
IO | Immigration Officer |
IR | 1. Interpreter Releases 2. Immediate Relative |
IRCA | Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 |
IRS | International Revenue Service |
IVACS | Immigrant Visa Applicant Control System |
IV | Immigrant Visa |
LAPR | Lawfully Admitted for Permanent Residence |
LAU | Legalization Appeals Unit |
LAW | Lawfully Authorized (or Admitted) Worker |
LCA | Labor Condition Application |
LC | Labor Certification |
LIFE | Legal Immigration and Family Equity Act of 2000 |
LIN | Northern Service Center (now Nebraska Service Center) |
LPR | Lawful Permanent Resident (Green Card holder) |
LWOP | Leave WithOut Pay |
LUD | Last Update Date |
MRD | Machine Readable Document |
MSC | Missouri Service Center (National Service Center) |
MS&D | Maintenance of Status and Departure bond |
MTINA | Miscellaneous and Technical Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1991 |
MTR | Motion To Reopen |
NACARA | Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act |
NACS | Naturalization Automated Casework System |
NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement |
NAILS | National Automated Immigration Lookout System |
NATZ | Naturalization |
NBC | National Benefits Center |
NBCOTA | Noncitizen Benefit Clarification and Other Technical Amendments Act of 1998 |
NBCOT | National Board for Certification of Occupational Therapists |
NOA | Notice of Action. The notice that you receive after filing an application with USCIS. |
NOIF | Notice of Intent to Fine |
NC | Name Check |
ND | Notice Date. The date when your application was entered into the USCIS database. |
NG | NewsGroup |
NIV | Nonimmigrant Visa |
NIW | National Interest Waiver |
NOF | Notice of Findings |
NOID | Notice of Intent to Deny |
NOIR | Notice of Intent to Revoke |
NRC | National Record Center |
NSC | Nebraska Service Center |
NSEERS | National Security Entry Exit Registration System |
NTA | Notice to Appear |
NVC | National Visa Center |
OARS | Outlying Area Reporting Station |
OCAHO | Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer |
ODP | Orderly Departure Program |
OES | Occupational Employment Statistics |
OI | Operations Instructions |
OIC | Officer-in-Charge |
OIL | Office of Immigration Litigation of DOJ’s Civil Division |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
O*NET | Occupational Information Network |
ONO | Office of Naturalization Operations (now ISD) |
OOH | Occupational Outlook Handbook (DOL) |
OPT | Optional Practical Training |
O/S | Out of Status, or Overstay |
OSC | Order to Show Cause; also, Office of Special Counsel |
OTM | Other than Mexican |
PA | 1. (Border) Patrol Agent 2. Privacy Act |
PCC | Police Clearance Certificate |
PD | Priority Date |
PERM | Program Electronic Review Management System |
PISS | Pre-INS Submission Syndrome |
PLC | Permanent Labor Certification |
POE | Port of Entry |
PP | Premium Processing |
PR | Permanent Residence |
PRC | Permanent Resident Card (also called an Alien Registration Card or Green Card) |
PT | Practical Training |
QDE | Qualified Designated Entity |
RAW | Replenishment Agricultural Worker |
RC | Regional Commissioner of USCIS |
RD | 1. Receipt Date. The date the application was received by USCIS 2. Regional Director of USCIS |
RFE | Request for Evidence |
RFI | Request for Initial Evidence |
RN | Registered Nurse |
RO | Responsible Officer of J- 1 Exchange Visitor Program |
ROW | Rest Of the World |
RSC | Regional Service Center |
RTD | Refugee Travel Document |
RVIS | Remote Video Inspection System |
SAO | Security Advisory Opinion |
SAO | Supervisory Adjudication Officer |
SA | Special Agent |
SAW | Special Agricultural Worker |
SB | Senate Bill |
SC | Service Center |
SDAO | Supervisory District Adjudications Officer |
SENTRI | Secure Electronic Network for Travelers’ Rapid Inspection |
SEVIS | Student and Exchange Visitor Information System |
SIE | Supervisory Immigration Examiner |
SII | Supervisory Immigration Inspector |
SIO | 1. Supervisory Immigration Officer; 2. Special Inquiry Officer (former title for Immigration Judges) |
SK | Specialized Knowledge for L Visa |
SO | Significant Other |
SRC | Southern Regional Center (now Texas Service Center) |
SR | Senate Report |
SVP | Specific Vocational Preparation |
SSA | Social Security Administration |
SSN | Social Security Number |
SWA | State Workforce Agency |
TA | Trial Attorney |
TAG | Technical Assistance Guide No. 656-Labor Certifications (1981) |
TAL | Technology Alert List |
TCN | Third Country National |
TPCR | Transition Period Custody Rules |
TPS | Temporary Protected Status |
TN | Trade NAFTA |
TSA | Transportation Security Administration |
TSC | Texas Service Center |
TWOV | Transit Without Visa |
UNHCR | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
UPL | Unauthorized Practice of Law |
US-VISIT | United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology Program |
USA PATRIOT Act | Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 |
USC | 1. U.S. Code 2. U.S Citizen |
USCIS | U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (formerly INS) |
USCS | U.S. Customs Service |
VAWA | Violence Against Women Act |
VB | Visa Bulletin |
VD | Voluntary Departure |
VO | Visa Office |
VOLAG | Volunteer Agency |
VSC | Vermont Service Center |
VTC | Video Teleconferencing |
VWPP | Visa Waiver Pilot Program |
VWP | Visa Waiver Program |
WAC | Western Adjudication Center (now California Service Center) |