USCIS Extends Flexibility of Response Deadlines

On Friday, September 11, 2020, USCIS announced that it is extending certain flexibilities to its rules that it originally announced on March 30, 2020. The leeway was originally put in place in response to the coronavirus pandemic. It is being renewed as re-opening USCIS offices around the country attempt to meet the needs of applicants, petitioners, and requestors and also meet health and safety guidelines. It gives people responding to certain USCIS requests for information additional time to submit these responses without penalty.

The flexibility pertains to the following documents:

  • Requests for Evidence
  • Continuations to Request Evidence (Form N-14)
  • Notices of Intent to Deny
  • Notices of Intent to Revoke
  • Notices of Intent to Rescind and Notices of Intent to Terminate regional investment centers
  • Motions to Reopen a Form N-400 Pursuant to 8 CFR 335.5, Receipt of Derogatory Information After Grant
  • Filing date requirements for Form N-336, Request for Hearing on a Decision in Naturalization Proceedings (Under Section 336 of the INA)
  • Filing date requirements for Form I-290B, Notice of Appeal or Motion.

If the issuance date located on the request, decision, or notice is between March 1, 2020, and January 1, 2021 (inclusive), then USCIS will accept responses to requests for information or documents that arrive within 60 calendar days of the response due date listed in the request. They will also accept any Form N-336 or Form I-290B that arrives within 60 calendar days of the decision date before taking action.

Additionally, USCIS states that it is continuing to follow CDC guidelines in response to the coronavirus pandemic, and it is implementing additional measures to protect both its workforce and those seeking immigration benefits.

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