Starting in 2013, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) began issuing an electronic I-94 record for air and sea ports of entry. Since there is no paper I-94 issued, what if you need to look up your electronic I-94 records to make a correction, or due to an adjustment of status?
How to Look Up Your I-94 Record Online
The process to look up your electronic I-94 record is simple. Just visit https://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/ and click on the GET MOST RECENT I-94 button to access your latest I-94. If you want to view your history of arrivals and departures for the past 10 years, click the button labeled VIEW TRAVEL HISTORY.
From here, you’ll need to enter your full name and birthdate in the provided fields. You’ll also need to have your passport handy, as you will have to enter your passport number and country of passport issuance. Once you’ve submitted this information, you’ll be able to view the I-94.
What if I Can’t Find My Electronic I-94 Record on the Website?
If you’re unable to look up your electronic I-94 record using the steps above, it could be due to several issues. Here are a few tips that may be able to assist you.
- Be sure you entered your name exactly as it appears on your passport. If that doesn’t work, check to see if your name was entered differently on your DS-160 or visa. Try using that name, or different variations of the way your name is entered on each document.
- If this does not work and you have a middle name, try entering both your first and middle name in the first name field, with a space between the two.
- Depending on the country where your passport was issued, the names could be switched. Try putting your first name in the last name field, and vice-versa.
- If you have multiple first or last names, try entering them in the appropriate field without a space between them. For instance, if your first name is Sophia Grace, try entering “Sophiagrace” instead.
- Be sure you aren’t entering the wrong passport number. If you have your DS-160 and the passport number on it is different than the number on your passport, try using the DS-160 passport number.
- If there is a year included in your passport number, try leaving it out. Some passport numbers begin with the year they were issued, which make them too long for CBP’s automated system.
For Additional Assistance
If you’ve tried all of the above and still can’t look up your electronic I-94 record, call or visit the closest CBP Deferred Inspection Office for further assistance.