- 公证员手写并在文件上盖上“TRUE COPY”的章,并在盖章的复印件上签名。
- 如果您所在的州不允许上述选项1,公证员可以对您的签字进行公证。
State of <您的所在州>
County of <YOUR_COUNTY>
I, <YOUR_NAME>, affirm that the attached is a true and complete copy of the document which it purports to represent.
_________________________ (您的签名)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this <DAY> day of <MONTH>, <YEAR>.
Signature of Notary Public
My commission expires <MM/DD/YYYY>
公证文件示例 - 如果依照选项2所述,公证人拒绝在复印件上签字,您需要另附一份认证后的副本。
This certificate is attached to a passport copy of <YOUR NAME>. (请在此处改为合适的词语)Certification of Copy
State of __________________
County of _________________
I, Custodian of Document Copied, swear/affirm that the foregoing (or attached) is a true and complete copy of the document which it purports to represent, and the photocopied document is neither a public record nor a publicly recordable document, certified copies of which are available from an official source other than a notary public.
Signature of Affiant/Custodian of Document Copied
Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) before me this _______ Day of _______________, _________.
Signature of Notary Public
Name of Notary printed, typed or stamped
Notary Public, State of ________________
My Commission Expires __________________ - 如果公证人不愿意在文件复印件上书写任何声明,您可以声明如下 “I declare this is a true, exact, and unaltered photocopy of my passport,” (我宣誓这是我的护照的真实的、确切的以及未经更改的复印件)并在公证员在场时签字。并要求公证人对您的签字进行公证。如果遇到任何困难,可以向公证人强调这只是对签名进行公证而不是对文件内容。