Ejemplo de carta de no objeción y sanción de ausencia para la visa de visitante

Ejemplo de carta de no objeción y sanción de ausencia para la visa de visitante

Al solicitar el visado de visitante, si está trabajando en algún lugar, le ayudaría obtener un ejemplo de carta de no objeción y sanción de ausencia. Esto es mucho más útil si está empleado por el gobierno. Dicha carta debe llevar el membrete oficial del empleador y estar firmada. No tiene que ser notariada.

June 12, 2005

US Consulate General in Guadalajara
Calle Progreso 175, Col Americana, Americana,
44100 Guadalajara, Jalisco, MÉXICO

Re: No Objection Letter for Ramon Gutiérrez

Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter is to confirm that Mr. Ramon Gutiérrez has been employed with us since August 16, 1979, on a full-time basis as a Superintendent Engineer. His annual salary is 665,000 Mexican pesos/year.

Mr. Gutiérrez has expressed interest in visiting the USA for tourism as well as to visit his son and his family. Our organization has no objection regarding Mr. Gupta’s visit to the USA for 6 months. His leave for the USA trip has been sanctioned for 6 months from July 5, 2005, to Jan 4, 2006. On the expiry of leave, he would report for duty on Jan 5, 2006.

Please feel free to contact us if your office should require any further information. 

Emilio Lozoya

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