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  • robec
    I-751 been processing for 3 1/2 years...
    by robec
    As the title says, my I-751 has been processing for about 3 1/2 years and still no end in sight? Anyone else experience this? I did get the extension a while ago for 48 months, but that will be ending soon.

    I was thinking of just filing for naturalization instead. Is that what everyone...
    07-18-2024, 12:02 PM
  • robec
    Harder to file N-400 online?
    by robec
    Hi there! Time to start my naturalization journey. I figured it would be easiest to do online... BUT. The online uploading is giving me so much trouble! Is this a glitch and I should try again later, or is this normal? I keep on getting "unable to upload, please try again later" or "document...
    07-18-2024, 11:48 AM
  • hkuntal
    Parent departed US after filing I-539 VISA extension and received RFE later
    by hkuntal

    We had fied for a two month B2 Visa extension for my parents, but as the request was pending, they departed US after one and a half months. Now I have received a RFE asking for additional documents. It says If I dont respond, my extension request can be denied. Does it make sense now...
    07-18-2024, 11:06 AM

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  • hkuntal
    Parent departed US after filing I-539 VISA extension and received RFE later
    by hkuntal

    We had fied for a two month B2 Visa extension for my parents, but as the request was pending, they departed US after one and a half months. Now I have received a RFE asking for additional documents. It says If I dont respond, my extension request can be denied. Does it make sense now...
    07-18-2024, 11:06 AM
  • robec
    Harder to file N-400 online?
    by robec
    Hi there! Time to start my naturalization journey. I figured it would be easiest to do online... BUT. The online uploading is giving me so much trouble! Is this a glitch and I should try again later, or is this normal? I keep on getting "unable to upload, please try again later" or "document...
    07-18-2024, 11:48 AM
  • robec
    I-751 been processing for 3 1/2 years...
    by robec
    As the title says, my I-751 has been processing for about 3 1/2 years and still no end in sight? Anyone else experience this? I did get the extension a while ago for 48 months, but that will be ending soon.

    I was thinking of just filing for naturalization instead. Is that what everyone...
    07-18-2024, 12:02 PM
  • lochy
    Just asked my company for an L-1B
    by lochy
    Background: 32M working in tech as a software designer. Im originally from Italy, but I’ve been living in London for 10 years and I now have British citizenship too. I’m single and have no kids. I’m currently working for a US company (been there for 3 years).

    Most people on here recommended...
    07-18-2024, 06:32 AM
  • kinopbo2
    Do I need a transit visa in CDG France if I have a Canadian student visa?
    by kinopbo2
    I'm going from Egypt (w Egyptian passport) to Canada next month with a valid canadian student visa and I have a 12 hour layover in CDG I'm wondering if I will need a transit visa for this and if I'll be able to leave the airport with this visa or do I have to stay inside the whole 12hrs?
    07-18-2024, 06:22 AM




