Q: Will a duplicate OCI card be issued?
A: Yes. For this purpose, an application has to be made to the Indian Mission/Post with evidence for the loss-of-certificate. In the case of a mutilated/damaged certificate, an application has to be made enclosing the same. The applications in both cases have to be made to the same Indian Mission/Post that issued the OCI Card.
Q: Will the applicant lose their citizenship after registering as OCI?
A: No. As only citizens of a country which allows dual citizenship under the local laws in some form or the other are eligible for applying for registration as OCI, the question of losing foreign citizenship does not arise.
Q: Can a person holding OCI travel to protected areas/restricted areas without permission?
A: No. They will be required to seek PAP/RAP for such visits.
More details
Q: Would the Indian civil/criminal laws be applicable to persons registered as OCI?
A: Yes, for the period that the OCI is living in India.
Q: Is the OCI entitled to hold Constitutional posts in India?
A: No.
Q: Is the OCI entitled to hold Government posts in India?
A: No, except for the posts specified by an order from the Central Government.
Q: If a person is already holding more than one nationality, can they apply for an OCI?
A: Yes, as long as the local laws of at least one of the countries allow dual citizenship in some form or other.
Q: Is an OCI entitled to apply for and obtain a normal Indian passport which is given to citizens of India?
A: No. The normal Indian Passport is given only to an Indian citizen. And again, OCI is not dual citizenship.
Q: Are nationals of Commonwealth countries eligible for OCI?
A: Yes, if they fulfill the eligibility criteria.
Q: Can a person renounce their OCI?
A: Yes. They have to declare the intention of renunciation in Form XXII to the Indian Mission/Post where their OCI registration was granted. After receipt of the declaration, the Indian Mission/Post shall issue an acknowledgment in Form XXII A.
If you renounce your OCI, your minor children who have OCI will cease to be OCI as well.
Q: Does the applicant(s) have to take oath before the Consul of the Indian Mission/Post?
A: No.
Q: Can a person registered as an OCI be granted Indian Citizenship?
A: Yes. As per the provisions of section 5(1) (g) of the Citizenship Act, 1955, a person who is registered as OCI for 5 years and is residing in India for 1 year out of the above 5 years, is eligible to apply for Indian Citizenship.
Important: You will lose your foreign citizenship (such as U.S. citizenship) if you get Indian Citizenship, as India does NOT allow dual citizenship.
Q: Will OCI be granted gratis (without any fee) to certain categories of people?
A: No.
Q: If the photo printed on my OCI card is not very clear, can I get it reprinted?
A: If the photo on your OCI card is not satisfactory and defers widely from the photo submitted, you may request the Indian Embassy/Consulate to get it reprinted. It is up to them whether they choose to reprint the OCI card and whether they will charge any fees for the same.
Q: If I need to apply for renunciation of Indian citizenship, what is the order of application.
A: You can apply for renunciation of Indian citizenship either before OCI card application or at the same time with OCI card application.
Q: If I have applied under the wrong jurisdiction, what is the procedure?
A: You will have to withdraw your application and reapply for a new application under the correct jurisdiction. Withdrawal fees are applicable.
Q: What if I need to travel while my OCI application is at the Indian Embassy/Consulate?
A: There is no procedure for emergency issuance of OCI card. You can apply for an India visa.