DS-160 Form Guide: Personal Information

DS-160 Form Guide: Personal Information

Form DS-160 must be filled for all non-immigrant visa applicants for the US. It is a multiple part form. This web page describes the personal information section.

Personal Information 1

  • Surnames (As in Passport) 
    Your surname. Also called Last Name in U.S. If there are multiple surnames listed in your passport, you should enter all of them. Usually, this should be listed in the first line in name in the passport.

    If your passport does not include a last name, write the given name as the last name (even though it is not the last name), and write “FNU” in the given name. Do not write “LNU” in the last name.

  • Given Names (As in Passport) 
    Your first and middle name. Also called Given Name. Usually, write everything that is written in the second line in name in the passport.

    Please use the exact spelling and name order indicated in the passport. Issuance of visa will be delayed if the consulate is not informed of all names, previous and current, used by each applicant. 

    More details 

    If your passport does not include a given name, please write “FNU” in the given name.

  • Full Name in Native Alphabet 
    India: Click on ‘Does Not Apply/Technology Not Available’. 

    Mexico: Virtually all Mexican applicants can click on ‘Does Not Apply/Technology Not Available’.

    China: You must write your names in Chinese characters here. You must provide telecodes for your names. 

    For all others, either write the name in the native alphabet, or check “Does Not Apply/Technology Not Available”.

  • Have you ever used other names (i.e. maiden, religious, professional, alias, etc.)? 
    This would be blank for most people, but if you used any other names in the past, write them here. 

    If you only have other surnames to enter, enter the same given names as above. Conversely, if you only have other given names to enter, enter the same surname as above. 

    “Maiden” name means the name a woman used before she got married if she changed it after marriage. Married women must be sure to include their full name as used before marriage, after marriage, and any other aliases.

    If there are variations in the person’s name in different documents due to cultural issues, you can enter those names here. 

  • Do you have a telecode that represents your name?
    Telecodes are four-digit code numbers that represent characters in some non-Roman alphabet names.

    If yes, you will need to enter them for both surnames and given names.

  • Sex 
    Self-explanatory. Choose from either “Male” or “Female”.

  • Marital Status 
    Choose appropriately from the choices: MARRIED, SINGLE, WIDOWED, DIVORCED, or LEGALLY SEPARATED.

    K1/K2 visa: This must be anything other than MARRIED or LEGALLY SEPARATED 
    K3 visa: This must be MARRIED 

  • Date of Birth 
    Date when you were born. This date should be there in your passport. If day or month of your birth is unknown, enter as shown in passport. 

  • Place of Birth 
    Place where you were born. Write City (Village, Town), State/Province, and Country where you were born.

    State/Province of Birth: If State/Province is not applicable to you, check “DOES NOT APPLY”.

    Country of Birth: The name of the country should be the name that is currently in use for the place where you were born. 

    If any of the names for the city, state/province, or country have been changed since your birth, please write the current names that are used.

Personal Information 2

  • Country/Region of Origin (Nationality) 
    Select the country whose nationality (citizenship) you currently hold. The name of the country should be the name that is currently in use for the place. 

  • Do you hold or have you held any nationality other than the one indicated above on nationality? 
    Indicate “Yes” or “No” appropriately.

    You need to include all the nationalities you currently hold or previously held, even if you formally and/or legally relinquished any of them. 

    If you answer “Yes”, you will be asked to enter the following details about each nationality you hold/have held:

    • Other Country/Region of Origin (Nationality) Select from the list. 

    • Do you hold a passport for the other country/region of origin (nationality) above? 
      Answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ accordingly. 

      If answered ‘Yes’:
      • Provide the following information: 
        Passport Number

  • Are you a permanent resident of a country/region other than your country/region (nationality) indicated above?
    If answered “Yes”: Provide the following information:
    Other Permanent Resident Country/Region

  • National Identification Number 
    India: Select “DOES NOT APPLY” for Indian citizens.

    Mexico: Enter the Clave Única de Registro Poblacíon (CURP) as it appears in your passport. If the CURP is not shown in the passport, please check “Does Not Apply”.

    Other: If your country has any such number, write it here. 

  • U.S. Social Security Number 
    If you were issued a U.S. social security number, enter it here. Otherwise, check “DOES NOT APPLY”.

  • U.S. Taxpayer ID Number 
    If you were issued an ITIN number or any other U.S. taxpayer ID number, enter it here. Otherwise, check “DOES NOT APPLY”.

    If you have already entered the social security number in the previous question, you do not have to enter that here again.

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