I, the undersigned, Mr. XXX, aged – 63 years, residing at ___city, ___province, postcode____, China, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath that:
- I am the deponent herein and a citizen of China.
- I was born on April 13, 1946 __city,__province, China.
- My sister XXX (mother of XXX) was married to Mr. XXX on Oct 7, 1965, __city,__province, China.
- XXX was born on Dec 17, 1967 in __city,__province, China. I have the personal knowledge of XXX’s birth because I am her uncle (mother’s brother), and we are very close relatives, and I recall XXX’s birth clearly OR I was immediately informed of her birth OR I was present at the time of her birth.
- XXX’s full name at the time of birth was given as ____.
- XXX’s name was not recorded in the original birth registration due to the reason of _______. Therefore, the official record of birth is incomplete concerning XXX.
So I do hereby solemnly affirm that foregoing are true and correct statements.
Date: May 30, 2019
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