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Ramu-'s Profile
Latest Experience
Criteria for selecting L1B

Hi All, I came to know like now the rejection rate of L1B is very high.Based on which criteria they are rejecting. 1) Whether counsl...

Applying L1B

Hi All, I am applying L1B visa, Please let me know what are the documents we need to apply before attaneding interview. i mean only DS-160 ...

Could you please let me know whether my answer is correct for below VISA questions as i have four months of experience with client which is acco...

We need to tell original what we have while attending the VISA stamping interview. That is enough and should not lie. Is it correct..?Could you ...

I am going to attend the L1-B blanket Visa stamping interview by end of this month. Here is my doubt, I have mentioned that my experience with Y...

My Experience in Chennai for H1B stamming

My interview was scheduled at 9:30 AM on Thursday 25th Oct and I reached there at 8:30 and I join the line, Initially they have checked my passp...

Latest Replies
Reply to:

Lakshmanan, Please share what should be mention for onsite role. Shell i mention generic terms as development and enhancemnets Thanks.

Reply to: question to sri?

Hi sri, I saw your replay to it true that only persons having more then 2 yrs in singapore only attened at singapore consulate. Bco...

Reply to: Reply to Jithender's query

To my knowledge, you dont need any letter from employer for H4 except marriage certificate & photos.

Reply to: Babu...can u pls post the exact conversation betn u and VO

Hi Babu, Please post the exact conversation between you and VO so that can someone suggest why you had such an experience... Thanks, ...

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